September 10, 2011
Last night, Steve and I celebrated a friend's birthday. She is off-the-vine sixty, amazing,beautiful, and vibrant. We are so fortunate to have a friend like her (and we love her husband, too!) I was trying to write a poem proir to her birthday, but was inspired at the actual event. It started to rain, so I found the craft markers and paper and started to write.
Here is the finished poem:
Candles in the Clouds
-for Marci
September Saturday evening
Droplets of soft summer rain
adorn the white wine in my glass,
creating ripples like candles
like the lights and candles that
continue to flicker in the
curl-enhancing-hairy-rainy night,
As we stand in your fairy garden
Under your magic tree-- and absorb
The light created from the candles
of your love light that you light
for everyone.
Light in the clouds, light in the hearts
of family and friends and the angels
who bestow peace and love into your
Heart--and into ours.
Hi Lori! I hope it's not inappropriate that I "creep" on your blogs, but I had to say that I ADORE this poem! Wonderful, wonderful stuff. You inspire me. <3